Tiny Hand With Animated Rainbow Hearts

our love is growingg..

assalammualikumm !
fuhh penatnyaa td aku dahh type panjangg panjang tiba tiba aku tetekan pangkah lalu menutupnyaa :'D 
woargghhhhh !! i'm saket hatii :D ! 
iss okay lahh , okay know i'm start my story with..
okay know my life is getting older haha , mcm semua perkara teradi dekat manusia yg lain jugak :D
dugaan , destiny , all of it happend from allahh kan .

after that day , 14.11.2011 break up is happend , and
i try to forget everything after 2 years , i just want to forget just for one days , and i made it :") 
syukur alhamdulillahh ..
dahh dah malas nak cerita banyak , bodo je :D

okay not long after that , i'm not dumb but i try too breath in with a new life , 
gasping air with a new bf :'D his name is MUHAMMAD AFIQ BIN ARSHAD
ohh my , he is the best bf i ever had ,
lupa pulakk , on 16.11.2011 
all is happend too fast . and i cant tell you how much that faster then ever we know
each other , lame perasaan masing masing pendam and mendiam kan diri like in silent mode :D
haha now i realize you are the best for me , and you are enough perfect for me .

eventhough age is different , but it is not the wall for our beginingg :)
sayangg , if you read this , thnkssqiuuu for choosen me as your gf ,
i will appreciate it , and i try to be a good gf then your other f**** ex gf :D
hahaha , sekarang aku gf kau , kau dahh terperangkap . and kau jgn nak menggatal okay !
okayy lahh , thats all for todayy :)

i love you so much muhammad afiq .
byee-2 ":)

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